How to boost supply with a Wearable Breast Pump?

How to boost supply with a Wearable Breast Pump?

Blog Article

Worried about your supply? You’re not alone! In fact, concerns about milk supply are one of the main concerns shared by breastfeeding mamas, especially in the first few weeks of baby life. The good news? You’re likely making enough milk. There are, however, some factors that can cause your supply to take a temporary dip. Let’s take a look at them and how wearable breast pumps can help boost your supply.

What is a low milk supply?
As we mentioned above, most mamas will be able to produce enough milk to feed their bub. It is super important to note that many normal newborn behaviors like fussiness, cluster feeding, and wanting to be on or near a boob 24/7 are completely normal and not an indication of low milk supply.

For women with a healthy milk supply, dips or drops in supply are often due to what is sometimes termed ‘secondary’ supply issues. These issues may be related to things like suboptimal latch, breastfeeding frequency (not feeding bub enough or emptying your breasts thoroughly), or even things like your period or illness. The key is that they are factors that can be resolved fairly easily with the right advice and support.

There is a small percentage of women who suffer from what is termed ‘true low milk supply’ or ‘primary low milk supply. True low milk supply is usually caused by medical conditions like insufficient glandular tissue (IGT), some metabolic conditions, retained placenta, postpartum hemorrhage, surgical inventions, or illness. These conditions may require medical intervention or the consideration of mixed feeding in consultation with your caregiver.

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